“I am Not A Racist” Trump Replies Reporters

The President of the United States-Donald Trump while speaking to reporters at a dinner photo opportunity with the US House Majority Leader-Kelvin McCarthy in West Palm Beach, Florida defends himself; Sunday night after several days of controversial remark he made about African countries. The President told reporters when interviewed that; “I am not a Racist. I am the least racist person you have ever interviewed”.
This statement came after the serious criticisms the US President received from the public for calling African Countries "Shitholes” last week during a discussion on immigration with the country’s lawmakers.
However, a former Virginia Governor, Terry McAuliffe; in an earlier interview on CNN’s “State of the Union”, frowned at Trump’s comments; advising him that; “The President-Donald Trump has to understand; this is a grown-up job and he’s got to start acting like it’’, calling the president’s comment as “Disgraceful, disgusting and Embarrassment”.
These were his words: “Disgraceful and disgusting, he continues to hurt the prestige of the United States of America”.
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“I am Not A Racist” Trump Replies Reporters “I am Not A Racist” Trump Replies Reporters Reviewed by Unknown on Monday, January 15, 2018 Rating: 5

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